Tri Ngo, MD
Musculoskeletal Imaging
joined MRD in 2021

Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch – Galveston, TX
Department of internal medicine: University of California Irvine – Orange, CA
Department of radiology: Loma Linda University – Loma Linda, CA
Musculoskeletal Imaging: University of California Irvine – Orange, CA
Board Certification
American Board of Radiology
Publications & Presentations
Kang J, Ngo M. “Imaging and Management of Iatrogenic Pseudoaneurysm and Arteriovenous Fistula in a Neonate Post Lumbar Puncture”. American Society of Neuroradiology Conference 2020. Las Vegas, Nevada. May 2020.
Decreasing Unnecessary Reduction Enema Procedure by Improving Ileocolic Intussusception Diagnosis by Ultrasound. Department of Pediatric Radiology (LLU) 09/2013 – Present
Completeness of Informed Consent in IR. Department of Interventional Radiology (LLU) 01/2013 – 01/2015
Imaging of Surgical Paraphernalia. Department of Radiology (LLU) 09/2012 – 03/2014. Poster presented at ARRS 04/2013
Non-invasive Monitoring following pancreas transplantation:Does HOMA-R have a role? Department of Nephrology (UTMB)10/2009 – 01/2010. Poster presented at the Internal Medicine Quality and Resident Research Forum on May 20, 2010 at UTMB Galveston, Texas and American Society of Transplantation’s (AST) Annual Scientific Exchange (ASE), 10/2010 in Orlando, Florida. Abstract published on American Society of Nephrology website.
Distinctions & Awards
- Healing Hand Award 05/2015
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 08/2010
- Ben Raimer TDCJ Hospital Student of the Year 08/2010
- Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges01/2010
- The Eben J. Carey Memorial Award in Anatomy10/2007
- American Chemical Society Chemist of the Year04/2004
Personal Interests
Dr. Ngo enjoys golfing, hiking, water sports, and helping people build home gyms.