Justin Lee, MD
Breast Imaging
joined MRD in 2016

Medical School: University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine – Honolulu, HI
Department of Internal Medicine: University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
University of California Davis Medical Center – Davis, CA
Breast Imaging Fellowship: University of California Davis Medical Center – Davis, CA
Abdominal Imaging/ Interventional Fellowship: University of California Davis Medical Center – Davis, CA
Mini Fellowship: Obstetric Ultrasound – University of California Davis Medical Center – Davis, CA
Board Certification
American Board of Radiology
Publications & Presentations
- Lee JS, Corwin MT, Fananapazir G, Lamba R. Detection of renal stones at portal venous phase CT: Comparison of thin axial and coronal maximum intensity projection images.” Accepted AJR publication 5/24/16.
- Lee, J. S., Sanchez, T. R., & Wootton-Gorges, S. (2015). Malignant renal tumors in children. Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL, 2(3), 84-89.
- Sanchez, T. R., Lee, J. S., Coulter, K. P., Seibert, J. A., & Stein-Wexler, R. (2014). CT of the chest in suspected child abuse
- Lee JS, Bijan B. Clinical Impact of PET/CT in Staging of Cholangiocarcinoma: A Comparative Review. Educational poster abstract presented at the 2015 Western Regional Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Monterey, California.
- Lee JS, Corwin MT, Fananapazir G, Lamba R. Detection of renal stones at portal venous phase CT: Comparison of thin axial and coronal maximum intensity projection images.” Scientific paper abstract submitted to the 2016 Society of Abdominal Radiology annual meeting.
- Hirschbein J, Cheang E, Lee JS, Bijan B. “The Applications and Limitations of LI-RADS: an Update and Pictorial Review.” Educational exhibit abstract submitted for 2016 Society of Abdominal Radiology annual meeting.
- Cheang E, Hirschbein J, Lee JS, Bijan B. “Percutaneous Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Role of Imaging.” Educational exhibit abstract submitted for 2016 Society of Abdominal Radiology annual meeting.
- Sriratanaviriyakul N, Lee JS, Qi L, Shelton D, Moore E, Avdalovic M, Morrissey BM. “Incidental finding of ‘mosaic attenuation.’ Correlation with pulmonary function test variables and its interpretation.” Abstract accepted at the 2015 American Thoracic Society International Conference in Denver, Colorado.
- Lee JS, Sheen L, Franke M, Hagge R. “Recognizing significant coronary artery disease with coronary CT angiogram, Rb-82 PET/CT, and Tc-99 SPECT/CT: How to choose the appropriate test in various clinical settings.” Educational exhibit presented at scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, November 29th, 2012 Chicago, IL.
- R. Hagge, M. Kumar, Kuramoto AT, Lee JS, Caputo GR. “Utility of EKG-gated, planar myocardial perfusion stress/rest imaging for preoperative cardiac risk stratification of extremely morbidly obese patients.” Clin Nuclear Medicine 2010; 35(8): 655.
Personal Interests
Dr. Justin Lee is a Honolulu, Hawaii, native who thoroughly enjoys immersing himself in other cultures by traveling internationally. He is a very active individual who likes to ski in Lake Tahoe and treat himself to fine dining. Dr. Justin Lee is also fluent in Japanese and was an English instructor for a Japan Exchange and Teaching Program for 3 years.